Cone, Helen Gray, and Jeanette L. Gilder, eds. Pen-Portraits of Literary Women by Themselves and Others. 2 vols. Pen-Portraits of Literary Women by New York: Cassell, 1887. Boston: Educational Publishing, 1900.

TOC: vol. I. ; Hannah More; Frances Burney (Mme D'Arblay); Mary Wollstonecraft (Godwin); Mary W. Godwin (Shelley); Mary Lamb; Maria Edgeworth; Jane Austen; Joanna Baillie; Lady Blessington; Mary Russell Mitford; vol. II.; Harriet Martineau; Aurore Dudevant (George Sand); Elizabeth Barrett Browning; Margaret Fuller (Ossoli); Charlotte Brontë; Emily Brontë; Marian Evans Cross (George Eliot).

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